Canceled: Fri & Sat Storm Trysail Block Island Race (if, as expected, life raft requirement is dropped)

May 27, 2022 all-day America/New York Timezone
Boat Location:
Willis Marine Center Dock
17 Mill Dam Rd
Halesite, NY 11743

This event is canceled

~ Cancelled, James and I will be on Baltic 51, Wish us well. ~

The ultimate race for brushing up on your Strider boat handling skills is similar to the Vineyard Race but a tiny bit shorter and in colder weather. There are requirements for an off-shore safety at sea course. Everyone needs to take units 1-10 online, and we need 30%+1 of the crew to take the additional part 2.

This Friday race starts from Stamford, goes 186 miles (unless course shortened) around Block Island and back to Stamford without stopping. The race normally completes for J/109’s on Saturday afternoon. We will return to Huntington before sun-up on Sunday, clean up the boat in the afternoon and drive to the Stamford YC for a 5pm awards ceremony. 

Drafted January 5, 2022 based on experience from Vineyard race. Note first signal is 2pm rather than Noon as it was for Vineyard Race. Note, more time was allocated to get to course and more time to pick up Brusa in Stamford.

* _______ is the Event Captain 
* ?? look into Brusa transportation from Stamford with Bill or John
* Safety at Sea Class. We need a mix of people to complete US Sailing International OffShore Safety at Sea Part 1 Units 1-10. And 30%+1 of the crew to additionally complete Part 2 Units 11-15.
* See recommended crew packing available 2 days before race. Light packing required.
* Come rested, ready for an endurance race
* Crew rotation. If six crew, there will be two six hour watches of 3 crew each. If seven crew, there will be three 4 hour watches of 2 crew each, and Navigator Dan will wake up/navigate as needed.
* All hands on deck = sail changes, man overboard, meals.
* Watch Captain 1 = 
* Watch Captain 2 =
* Watch Captain 3 =    (may not be needed)
* After Schedule below, are meals and minimum packing:

FRIDAY: (note no captains meeting ashore, no party ashore)
09:00am: Event Prep team (3 people) gathers, moves sails on/off boat.
09:30am: Whole team gathers, Change headsail if necessary
09:45am: departure if picking up Brusa
10:00am: departure if going straight to start line.
12:00am: Pick up Brusa
12:00am: Arrive at Start for practice / fine adjustment of Strider  
12:20pm: Arrive at Start for practice (if pickup Brusa)
02:00pm: First Signal
03:00 pm: First Watch
03:00 pm: Late Lunch
09:00 pm: Second watch 
09:00 pm: Dinner

3am: First Watch
9am: Second Watch & Breakfast
3pm: First Watch & Lunch
9pm: Second Watch & Dinner

1am: First Watch
3am: Return to Huntington
3am: Close Up Strider 
2pm: Clean Up Strider
3:30pm: Car pool to Stamford YC
5:00pm: Awards Ceremony at Stamford YC


Minimum Packing for each crew = 2 caps, 2 sunglasses, sheet or sleeping bag, preferred non-alcholic beverages and snacks, foulie top & bottom, light weight rain jacket, swim suit, sweatshirt, 2 or 3 liter carry on bag that can double as a pillow.

Friday lunch (managed by _______________________)
Friday dinner (managed by _______________________)
Saturday Breakfast  (managed by _______________________)
Saturday lunch (managed by _______________________)
Saturday dinner (managed by _______________________)
Sunday Breakfast  (managed by _______________________)
Sunday lunch (managed by _______________________)
Sunday awards ceremony standby food is leftovers
Monday breakfast  (managed by _______________________)

Be at Willis Marine Center Dock - Fri May 27th @ 12:00AM EDT

Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
AlexD Not Assigned
Dan Not Assigned
JamesM Not Assigned
LisaM Not Assigned
TerryF Not Assigned ?
Total Crew 5 = Confirmed (0) + Maybe (5) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned
Post # 982

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