LHYC Stratford Shoal Race / Make A Wish Charity

July 6, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 11:45 pm America/New York Timezone
Boat Location:
Willis Marine Center Dock
17 Mill Dam Rd
Halesite, NY 11743

Event ContactsEvent DocumentsNotice BoardNotice of RaceSailing InstructionsScratch Sheet

Be at Willis Marine Center Dock - Sat July 6th @ 12:00PM EDT

Registration: Link
Race Results: Race Results  
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
AlexD Jib Trimmer
Total Crew 1 = Confirmed (1) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 1420

This entry pending updates to tactician, high & low tide, moon phase, etc.


High Tide affects the start of this race each year. Past years approx 2 hrs after low tide.

Overview: Biggest race of the year for LHYC. 7 to 10 hour race around Stratfords Shoals Light House off Port Jeff, and back to Huntington. We will see a sunset during the race and finish nearly in the dark as a 3/4 moon rises from the ESE. Return to dock between 9pm and 1am.   Gourmet sandwiches for dinner including roast beef. Captain’s boat fees go to make-a-wish charity.  Qualifier for North Shore Charity Cup. Races like this allow us to play with our full sail inventory. We will have our flying jib, A3, A2, and big jumbo chute available for this race. We will not have a code zero, the flying jib will substitute.

Our tactician is ___________
__________ leads the crew on the forward deck.
Spin trimming today will be shared in shifts.  Shift ends either on a partially collapsed chute, 30 minutes or sooner at the discretion of the captain or _____________

new this year: In addition to a normal course (34 nm), there is a short course ‘B’ (11.8 nm)

1200 (noon) Gather, boat rigging  (Guests please wait until boat is fully rigged before boarding)
XXXX High Tide Huntington, NY 
1220 Guest crew arrival
1230 Depart Dock, Crew introductions on way out.
1315 Practice
1400 First Signal
1405 Start (Nun 6)
1800 Dinner
XXXX Low Tide Huntington NY
2017 Sunset
2100 (9pm) Expected Best case return to dock.
XXXX Moon Rise from ESE, X/X moon.
0005 Absolute Time Limit, 10 hrs. Expires (also, time limit 60 min + PHRF rating behind first boat finishing in a division)
0100 (12:45am) Expected Worst case return to dock
xx:xx +30min put away boat
xx:xx  no after race event


Permanent link to this article: https://strider.crew-mgr.com/event/lhyc-stratford-shoal-race-make-a-wish-charity/

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