Practice, replaces American YC Spring Regatta

May 2, 2021 @ 8:00 am America/New York Timezone
Boat Location:
Willis Marine Center Dock
17 Mill Dam Rd
Halesite, NY 11743
American YC
Practice, replaces American YC Spring Regatta @ Willis Marine Center Dock | Halesite | New York | United States

8 am: A small crew will prep Struder
8:30 am: Coffee and ?????? at Strider. Can I have a volunteer to pick up breakfast, setup, and tear down?
9:05 am: Depart Dock for Long Island Sound practice.
1 pm: Lunch on the water – Food provided by Capt Dan
4:00 pm: Return to dock 
4:30 pm: As time allows, a small crew will stay to work out some kinks on Strider

8 am: A small crew will prep Struder
8:30 am: Coffee and ?????? at Strider. Can I have a volunteer to pick up breakfast, setup, and tear down?
9:05 am: Depart Dock for Long Island Sound practice.
1 pm: Lunch on the water – Food provided by Capt Dan
4 pm: Return to dock 

Registered:n/a   Fees Paid: n/a,  NOR Amendment #1Notice of RaceSailing InstructionsScratch SheetSI Amendment #1SI Amendment #2

Be at Willis Marine Center Dock - Sun May 2nd @ 8:00AM EDT

Registration: Link
Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
AlexD Not Assigned
GailH Not Assigned
LisaM Not Assigned
Peter Not Assigned
Marcus Not Assigned X
Total Crew 4 = Confirmed (0) + Maybe (4) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 842

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