17 Mill Dam Rd
Halesite, NY 11743
8 am: A small crew will prep Struder
8:30 am: Coffee and ?????? at Strider. Can I have a volunteer to pick up breakfast, setup, and tear down?
9:05 am: Depart Dock for Long Island Sound practice.
1 pm: Lunch on the water – Food provided by Capt Dan
4:00 pm: Return to dock
4:30 pm: As time allows, a small crew will stay to work out some kinks on Strider
8 am: A small crew will prep Struder
8:30 am: Coffee and ?????? at Strider. Can I have a volunteer to pick up breakfast, setup, and tear down?
9:05 am: Depart Dock for Long Island Sound practice.
1 pm: Lunch on the water – Food provided by Capt Dan
4 pm: Return to dock
Registered:No, NOR Amendment #1, Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions, SI Amendment #1, SI Amendment #2
Be at Willis Marine Center Dock - Sat April 30th @ 8:00AM EDT
Registration: LinkPost # 909
Recent Comments
There is tentatively social event on-site Saturday and an invite for us to leave Strider overnight at their dock.